Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Digital Death
I suppose I was feeling a little morbid and I searched Digital Death on Google and found this site. The article is titled "How to Prepare for Your Digital Death" and I found it so interesting because it is something that I, and I'm sure many others, have never considered. In this digital age, with all of the status updates and emails, if you were to suddenly die, someone would have to manage notification and managing what you had put online. Even though this is such a strange thing to imagine, I think it pertains to design in quite a literal sense. Many people I know post to many different message boards and create a whole list of different things and put them online. If you were to die, would you want something that you made in five minutes to be left as a legacy to you? I probably wouldn't, but the internet is pretty much permanent or at least more permanent than any other form of media that I know of. The things that you create could possibly never go away. Something that you put on the web 5 years ago can probably still be found. I think that this is a responsibility that every creator should take into consideration. I recommend that people be sure that they are proud of their work before they post it online, because you never know how long it's going to be around.

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