Thursday, November 26, 2009

Digital Palace
I searched digital palace randomly, which led to this website. This is a website for China's Palace Museum. It is a very competent website that shows off the museum and allows users to plan visits and look at many of the pieces that the museum contains. I found this so interesting because this palace has been around for many many centuries and has an internet site devoted to it. The internet is something that seems so current yet it can contain things from all of time. This leads to something Professor Manheimmer asked in class, "What time is it on the internet?" Why of course there is no solid answer for this question, I would like to think that the internet is all time at once. For example, I can look at a map of Europe from 100 AD while listening to a podcast that just came out. This is interesting to me because, even though this could be said about a library maybe, nothing else offers people this experience. We are able to connect and look at any point in history or speculate about the future.

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