Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Fun" Designs - 10/1/09

So, to preface this, I simply looked up fun designs on a Google image search. This is how I think I'm starting to get my best results. Anyway, let's get this going.
This first image is one of two sticker designs that are described as "fun". They use bright and vivid colors and are extremely positive. I'm sure that these are used to encourage good grades on tests, but how in the world is a star happy? Who even came up with the gold star system? Well the last one I can't answer, but I feel like attempting to answer the first even though I can't find any reason from Google as to why these mark achievement. Anyway, I suppose gold stars have been used in the military for a long time. Maybe it's because they are so "high" up that they mark a high achievement. It's strange that we also use the phrase movie stars. Maybe because stars are seemingly unreachable, so they are used for high achievement. Well, that satisfies me for now, maybe I will go back into this later. Back to the design, these seem to be aimed towards children. It seems like they both have a bright and simple background with a blocky type to keep it simple. Next.Here are some designs on watches aimed at teenagers, once again deemed to be fun. I'm beginning to notice that to be fun, you have to have bright and vivid colors. It seems that stripes are also very prevelant in "fun" designs. For me, these designs make me feel a little torn. On one hand, I can see the fun in bright colors mixed with other bright colors, but it's so vibrant that it's distracting. Perhaps a reason that these are deemed as fun is because they are noticed and thus can be a conversation starter with other kids. The contrast between the colors is drastic which might say that you don't take yourself to seriously and that you like to have fun. I still don't feel like I have a very good grasp on how a design is deemed fun, so let's try one more image.

Finally, this is simply a "fun" pattern that was added to a bedspread. It's of brightly colored flowers and a sun. I think I finally am starting to understand this. Fun is a very innocent idea and throughout looking through my search results I noticed countless of innocent designs. These are very simplistic, bright, and happy, at least I think, to catch a child's interest. These designs also work for adults because they grew up with designs like this so it reminds them of more innocent times and probably brings back some happy memories. Anyway, I think I gained a little understanding on why "fun" is associated with bright and cartoony designs.

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