Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Digital Candy

Digital candy is a very strange concept, but as I was looking around on Google I found a company that offers digital candy digital scrapbooking. is the website. I really don’t know much about scrapbooking, but I find it interesting that they are marketing themselves as “digital candy”. Wikipedia describes scrapbooking as, “Scrapbooking is a method for preserving personal and family history in the form of photographs, printed media, and memorabilia contained in decorated albums, or scrapbooks. The idea of keeping printed materials of personal interest probably dates to shortly after the invention of printing. This trend is probably similar for photographs”. I found this interesting because scrapbooking seems like a very monotonous and time consuming activity and I would never relate this to images of candy and enjoyment. Anyway, the website offers plenty of templates with various designs to complete your personal scrapbook. It seems to be a pay website where you work digitally on a scrapbook and can share and work on your own scrapbooks. This clearly makes it easier for you to design and share, which is something that I remember from family visits. It seems like every time I would visit my grandmother that she would have something new in a photo album to show everyone. The digital environment makes sharing and possibly even designing much easier. I always thought of scrapbooking as a very analog experience but apparently this is no longer the only option.

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